Save the Snow, Screw the Salt

           O Snow, snow, wherefore art thou Snow? Why can't you fall faster? It's been a year since I've last seen you, and I've missed you a little too much. I miss your cold tips and brightening presence. If you're going to fall, you might as well fall faster in greater amounts. Our studying schedules depend on you. If you fall, we don't study. Simple as that. 
           Also please try to fall more near more residential areas. Because, pretty much, the more you fall near houses, the more effort families will need to take to clean their driveways and sidewalks, then the more time it will take, then Kerry Birmingham will feel more pity and finally give us the long-awaited snow day! 
           It's easy to understand; the rate of you falling must be much greater than the rate of you melting because of the salt. Now that you know that, it's up to you on how you want to treat your fellow Troy supporters. Bus drivers, lunch ladies, janitors, counselors, teachers, and students all deserve a great day off to enjoy the splendid nature of Michigan. We want to cherish the time we have with you. Nothing relieves my stress more than following your pathway from the sky to the ground. Nothing relieves children's stress more than molding you into shapes and figures. Nothing relieves anyone's stress more than having a simple snow day and it all starts with you.  


  1. This is super relatable. I like how you "talk" to the snow by using second point of view - it creates a sarcastic and humorous tone.

  2. I love how you personify snow and almost beg it to happen. The details are very relatable, but you forgot that it must fall between the hours of 12am-6am. Hopefully your plea to the snow works and we get another snow day!

  3. I loved this!! The tone you used really shows sarcasm and irony. I think everyone can relate to your blog, and as you said, even teachers and students, everyone can enjoy a snow day! :)


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